Statement of Purpose
Hello! My name is Frank Ruggiero, and I am a first-generation college student at the University of Maryland pursuing a B.S. in information systems. I enjoy sports, video games, chess, and many other competitions. I enjoy challenging and improving upon myself every day. Throughout my academic journey this far, I have enjoyed challenging myself with rigorous courses, spanning a variety of topics. In doing so, I have realized two of my academic passions: technology and economics. My passion in technology led me to partake in two unique technology internships with Baltimore County Public Schools. With my privileged university experience, I hope to further foster my passions through intensive learning and hands-on internship experience. The College Park Scholar program has helped me foster analytical thinking skills in an intellectual living-learning community as well as provide community service in the Greater College Park area. The Media, Self, and Society program I am apart of aims to analyze media through many different lenses and evaluate the media’s effect on one’s self and society at large. The College Park Scholar community has allowed me to further network my skills and abilities as well as form new relationships. I plan to build upon and expand these relationships in the future. This website will showcase some of my work completed as a College Park Scholar. I hope you enjoy!